For a United Future
We support communities and empower people through community engagement, training, consultancy and partnership work.

Who We Are
Founded in 2006, Future Communities is a community engagement and consultation organisation that is volunteer-led and works across London to support community development and regeneration at neighbourhood level and to work in partnership with other community organisations, agencies, public bodies and local communities to achieve this. We are a non-profit organisation.
This is a new project, run in partnership with Calm Collective, which provides a mix of online and live sessions to support people from the age of 40 upwards suffering from loneliness, who are isolated/potentially vulnerable.

Future Communities has received funding from the National Lottery Community Fund to create a local health and wellbeing community, improving the health and wellbeing of women aged over 40. The programme will start in March 2024. Click the button below for more information.

Our Mission
We develop projects, our own or in conjunction with other local communities. We also deliver training programmes, both online and offline, to broaden and develop levels and methods of access.
We develop our own facilities and resources, and those of partner organisations, individuals and communities. We utilise new technology and social media to facilitate our work.
We support individuals and community groups to build their communities; we also work with partner organisations to build people’s skills, hopes and aspirations.
Our Projects
Impact Bexley Project
A project funded by the Big Lottery, regarding the impact of regeneration in Bexley on hard to reach groups, such as people with learning difficulties, people with wellbeing issues and older people. This was a piece of action research focused around targeted workshops, focus groups and interviews.
Youth Voices Project
This was a research project which focused on anti-social behaviour and young people, as both perpetrators and victims of it. We worked with schools, community groups and the local council to facilitate focus groups and interviews. Several young people were active as volunteers on the project.
Parenting Programme
This programme formed part of a development project that delivered practical training sessions for parents, information, advice and guidance; referral to other agencies and individual advice and support. Partners included several Bexley schools, the council, community groups and parents.