Executive Summary
People deserve to have better chances in life. The aim of the project was to deliver the opportunity for people in the local community to access the parenting programme with elements of stress management & well-being strategies, to help them to develop new skills and improve/refine the existing ones.
Healthier, happier and more active people create a solid foundation for healthier communities and for better relationships within those communities. The aim of the project was to work with parents to strengthen relationships with their children and to provide clear benefits for them as well as schools and community groups.
More parents are encountering transitions in family life, such as a dramatic increase in parental break-up, step families and an increase in work pressure. Each change affects family relationships and ultimately children’s development.
This project’s aim was to develop more positive relationships between parents and children at an earlier stage to prevent serious issues later. Coaching for parents differs from other traditional parenting interventions in that coaches are not claiming to be parenting experts, telling parents they are doing something wrong.